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Interview with Omnivision

Ahead of Image Sensors Europe 2022 we spoke to Tomas Geurts, Senior Engineering Director at OmniVision Technologies about his forthcoming presentation, current industry challenges and more...

1. Can you give us a taster of what delegates will hear in your presentation?

This presentation will review the specific challenges in DMS driver monitoring systems and  how OMNIVISION utilize its unique OmniPixel®3-GS Global Shutter pixel technology to solve and the highlighted challenges, as well as performance trade-offs. I will also be discussing OMNIVISION’s product solutions for this growing application. 

2. Why did you choose to tackle this topic?

While the industry is gearing towards higher levels of driving automation, driver monitoring will remain a key feature for any condition requiring driver intervention. As such it is key to safe driving and has earned its place in the vehicle sensor line-up. Additional features being added to the driver monitoring camera make it ever more exciting and challenging a field to work on.  The drive from the market on DMS  mandates and need for solutions that can meet the NCAP regulations is also an important factor.

3. What do you consider to be the biggest challenges & opportunities that the that image sensor sector is facing at the moment? 

I believe everyone understands that the supply chain has been a challenge for the entire industry, and I believe it is the biggest one we are facing right now for the image sensor sector. 

Fortunately, for OMNIVISION, stable and strong supply chain has always been one of our strengths. We have a very strong relationship with our global supply chain partners and have been able to deliver to all customers even during the challenging times of the last 2 years. 

From the technical perspective, our customers are pushing the envelope on performance, size and power.  With OMNIVISION’s automotive success demonstrated over last 17 years we have been able to meet these challenges and are confident to continue this in the future.

4. What are you most looking forward to hearing about and discussing with your peers at IS Europe 2022?

I would be very interested to hear about any future system level challenges the attendees are projecting as being their main focus moving forward. It would be great to hear about new use cases which may be addressed by smart sensing solutions.